2023, Goals and moving forward

Happy New Year!

Well, as it’s the start of a new year, as is customary, I’m looking back and also looking forward. I’ve not been well over Christmas and the start of the New Year, but I am not allowing myself to use this as an excuse to quit or waiver. I’m back at the gym and enjoying spending time both exercising but also making more new friends.

This morning one of the ladies asked me if I had any pictures of me at the start of this journey. Well, those of you who are overweight will probably feel some connection here when I say I don’t have many photos of me for the last 20 years or so because I hated myself and how I looked. I have however found another howler of a photo taken at my daughter’s baby shower in 2016. Not flattering, and I was so out of my comfort zone but trying really hard to hide it so that the baby shower went well.

To me the difference is not just in the way I look now, but how I feel. The picture above was a selfie I took today.

I wake up now, get dressed immediately and take on the day. I plan what I want to achieve – it doesn’t always get done, don’t get me wrong, we are talking a work in progress here… but I feel positive at the start of the day. Even when I don’t achieve everything, I can usually tick a few things off my list and well, there’s always tomorrow.


I started this journey wanting to get down to 9 stone. That’s the only goal I had. I don’t know how much I weigh currently, and to be honest, that’s not so important any more. What I have learned is that being healthy and happy are much more important than a number on a piece of equipment.

When I started dieting I couldn’t walk up my stairs at home in one attempt. I had to stop and rest several times and catch my breath. I would come down stairs at the start of the day and not go up again until it was time for bed. Now I could (if I wanted to) run up and down them many times. At the start of the journey I walked 700 steps a day maximum. Now I have a daily minimum target of 5000 steps that I set myself and I want to increase this on a regular basis.

Going to the gym has made me stronger. I can now pull my own body weight using the TRX suspension system in the gym. I use kettle bells and weights during every session. I still struggle to do sit ups and I still can’t jump onto the box or step. BUT, compared to what I was like when I first started, I have grown. When I first entered the gym I was like a rabbit in the headlights. I couldn’t and wouldn’t run during the cardio stations in a workout.

So my goals for 2023 are as follows:

  1. Keep showing up – every day, in every way, giving my best in every situation
  2. Keep trying – every time
  3. Get stronger physically by going to the gym (Minimum of 3 times a week)
  4. Put myself first – self care is important, because once you reach the end of your reserves you will have nothing else to give to anyone
  5. Attempt new things – I will discuss these next time!

So what about you?

What’s your 2023 going to look like?

What are you going to do to make your dreams come true?

Watch this space to find out what I have planned for 2023 and what I achieve. It’s going to be awesome!

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